Lauren Kleyer

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More than just a house project

Paul and I bought our house back in May of 2013, right before our June wedding. It needed work then, as all homes do all the time. For real though, how does one building need so much maintenance ALL THE TIME? We learned a lot about each other during this process and I was happy for some marital foundation to stand on. It's safe to say if we had attempted this four year ago when we first got married, we would probably not be married anymore or one of us would be mysteriously missing.

Paul's patience with me is always an amazement - the fact that he didn't fire me the first day will always be something I don't understand.

We did not have fun with this project. It was not enjoyable. But we learned a lot about each other. I learned how to better communicate with a deep-in-thought Paul. He learned not to ask me to hammer nails.

I'm thankful that I have a husband who has the ability to do a project like this - both physically and mentally. He's truly a talented man and I'll forever be grateful he choose me to do life with him. So while this was not a fun project by any stretch of the imagination - we relished it because we were able to do it together.

But we'll never be doing this again, so don't ask.


(THANK YOU to everyone who helped us)