Lauren Kleyer

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Saying Yes....or at least Maybe

I love my sister. If you know her, you probably love her, too. She's honest, kind, and has a heart that is just so beautiful.

I love her, I do. But sometimes her ideas leaving me saying huh. Not like Huh? I didn't hear you but like Huh. Where did that come from? 

We used to live in Michigan and we were so fortunate to have amazing neighbors. Katelyn, who is still my best friend 20-some odd years later, often came over and played at our house or we would go over and play at theirs. Elsa and I were homeschooled for much our school careers and I can remember going and sitting on Katelyn's driveway, waiting for the school bus to drop her and her brother off so we could play with them. Or one time when we helped Katelyn climb out of her bedroom window because she was supposed to be grounded but we thought it was more important that she come outside. Her mother was a saint for putting up with our shenanigans - but that's a different post.

One of the millions of times Katelyn was over, Elsa, being the oldest and often taking charge as older children do, suggested that she tie us to a tree. I think there was duct tape involved. My memory of this event is a little fuzzy, either because of time or because I've tried to block it out - I'm not sure. But Katelyn and I got tied to a tree. Huh.

In the more recent history of our lives, Elsa has not suggested any such thing. She has children of her own now and is a wonderful mother who would never tie anyone to a tree. But some of her ideas still leave me saying huh.

The other day I was brainstorming about my future - which, let me tell you, is not easy on your own. It is in fact difficult to brainstorm with just one person. It was more of a brain breeze. (If you're interested in brainstorming about my life, your life, the guy down the street's life, I'M WIDE OPEN. Hit me up.)

During this brain breeze, I texted her and basically asked her to compliment me, as I do sometimes because I think I'm secretly very in love with praise, but it's not so secret because everyone is in love with praise. We just don't admit it. So I texted and said something like, "What's one thing you think I'm good at but could be great at with some practice?"

I had no idea what she would come back with and I wasn't really expecting much, it was more a way of involving someone else in this brain breeze of mine. But you know what she said? Do you know what she said?

Public speaking.


And then some other very nice things I will keep between her and I and my enlarged head.

This idea was surprising to me because, first, I didn't know she had ever seen me doing any sort of public speaking, and second, I was beyond flattered she had brought that up of all things. Because, well. Watch the video to find out more.


To learn more about the book I talk about, click here: Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person
