How do you know?

An African tradition

Where does it come from, your peace of mind? Does it hide in the crevices of your memory, recalling a lovely childhood?

Do you find it when you lie down to sleep at night, knowing the bills are paid? Or do you look beneath the toils of a full day of work, seeing what your hands have made?

When it comes to being happy, how do you know when it has stuck? Do you have a smile plastered on your face for everyone to see, or is it your heart that’s thrilled?

Are you content to sit and wait for the rest of your life to happen, trusting your schedule and your routine? Or do you grab on and hold tight, going where it leads?

How do you know when to stop pursuing that celestial dream? Is it when your bank account it full? When your belly is round? When that last pound is gone? Are you looking for something more?

Or do you search in the night for meaning? Looking through the darkness to see if someone’s there? Do you ponder the daily humdrum to see if there’s something to be learned? Do you forget about the paycheck, and look for the ways you helped a stranger?

How do you really know when your life has begun, when your life is good, when your life is coming to an end? How do you know when to stop and say, “This is what I’ve been waiting for!”?

If you base it all on money, can you really say you’ve lived? But without that green god, can you say that you’re content?

Life’s a funny thing, finding balance in imbalance. You dance around the future, not really knowing the steps.

We flow through, making our best guess at happiness. Some find it in others, some pursue a career, some are never satisfied. What choices are you making?

Are they ones that bring you closers to glory? Or are they dragging you back down to earth? Are they lifting those around you, or are you hiding what you’re worth?

Can you really say that life is good, when you see that there’s such pain? I don’t have the answers. I’m just seeing what you think.